1:25 PM

Why he gets sleepy after sex

Why He Gets Sleepy After Sex

Such tendency is explained by the physiology of man. When he has orgasm, the level of dopamine comes down. This influences not just motivational system, but the support-locomotion system in a whole. But with this the level of other chemical substances in brain (serotonin, oxytocin) increases. Serotonin acts as a relaxant or soporific, while testosterone doesn't make the oxytocin bring its effect into action. That's why most of guys feel tired right after sex.
The same processes take place in female body, but estrogen peculiar to women prevents serotonin from its producing and favors the oxytocin producing which makes woman searching for conversation with sleepy partner.
So as you see it's absolutely normal and you shouldn't take it to heart. Bend all your energy to other things, such as sport or domestic chores.
If you don't want your partner to conk out right after orgasm, ask him to follow some simple rules: to have enough sleep, abstain from heavy food and don't get a load on before sex. Nothing more than that! And you both will easily start a new hot session! And of course kinky toys from our store won't make you to fall asleep!