11:58 AM

The language of sex

It's rather difficult to learn to speak about sex. Many known words, relating to sex, are also used as abuse or offensive. You can feel ill at ease speaking such words to your beloved person. Besides, such words as penis, vagina, vulvar lips, testicles, sex toys sound rather medically and there are not so cute or romantic. That's why many couples find their own way of communication, creating their own language. It becomes a mystery, which you both share with each other, and the atmosphere of closeness in sexual relationships is created. It used to be funny sometimes.
It's not easy to carry on any kind of conversations before, after and during sex. The problem is in following: we don't like to walk a tightrope or fooling around. We don't want to judge the situation. We don't want to confront and we are also not going to upset our partners, making them feel deeply offended. So, we need our skills to communicate. And it always means that we know our partners well. Contrary to established opinion, we can't use cliche because it is not formed in our mind automatically by itself. It means, that we should learn to communicate, making all the efforts and time for this.
It's always easy to begin the conversation about sex with a new partner, rather than the person whom you have long-term relationships with. If you decided to move your sexual relationships up to the new level, the best way is to get down in neutral atmosphere, when you and your partner relax. Let us say, after dinner and a glass of wine. The first successful step on the way to the realization of your idea is your decision to begin a conversation. You may begin with the idea that it's hard for you to speak on "these" topics. Something like:"I always feel embarrassed, when I need to speak about sex. But our relationships mean much to me. I would like to speak to you about it. Do you mind?" In such a way you can explore the ground and make sure that your partner is open to such conversation.
If you can't, leave it to the Talking Vibrator which comes with a real man's voice. Quibbling won't spoil the situation, because a good sense of humor should be one of the integral parts of the relationships.